Trenchless Sewer Replacement – Plumbers Use Trenchless Sewer Technology to Repair Leaking Pipes

Trenchless Sewer Replacement – Plumbers Use Trenchless Sewer Technology to Repair Leaking Pipes

Trenchless sewer repairs are the latest technology from the world of plumbing. I can remember many years ago having a burst pipe at my house. When the plumbers arrived they told my parents that they would have to tear up the entire front yard, as well as our driveway. I was in high school then, and I will never forget the look on my mother’s face as she looked over to her rose garden. She had spent so much time getting it just the way she wanted it, and now it was all going to be destroyed. I was in college by the time working in her garden made her happy again.

Things are very different now. If you have a burst pipe, or if your pipes are leaking, you now can choose to have a trenchless sewer system installed instead. This process involves splitting the old pipe while inserting a new one, all done simultaneously.

First the plumbers dig what is referred to as an insertion and retrieval pit. Then the trenchless bursting head is inserted into the old sewer pipe. A heavy cable is now pushed through the pipe from the retrieval pit. At the exact same time, new polyethylene pipe is pulled along with the bursting head. Approximately every twenty feet the plumbers fuse the pipe together. This new pipe is highly resistant to leaks and root intrusion, so it has a long life expectancy.

This is am amazing new technology that is now available. When you are faced with a broken or burst pipe, you will probably want to learn more about trenchless sewer replacement.