Barcode Scanners – Is This Dying Technology?

Barcode scanning technology may be ready for an overhaul with new updated technology. Bokode’s as they are called are a new form of Barcode, this new type of encoding will enable more much more data to be stored in the Bokode than its little brother. This will open massive possibilities for the technology and have huge implications to way people can shop.
Already mobile phone systems and software is being created to allow people to read information from their mobile, in the far east mobile phones have been used as barcode scanners to pay for food from vending machines and much more. The new bokode barcodes have the ability to store a great volume of data, this could give users the chance to go the supermarket, scan and item and immediately see nutritional information, price comparisons and related products. The possibilities are quick breathtaking. Bokode barcodes have a range of over 20 metres it is believed, this could allow an individual to go to a book store scan the shelves and immediately see where the product is that they wanted. This by itself would be a revolution to the shopping experience.
Bokodes strength lies in their ability to be read by a simple mobile phone camera, the devices are only 3mm thick and about the size of the @ symbol on a standard computer keyboard. The device consists of a LED covered by a lens and tiny mask. Data is encoded in the light shining through the mask.
At present the bokodes cost around five dollars each, which makes the technology restrictive for usage on the food and clothing industry to merely price goods. But some other vocations are already being sought for the new technology, the healthcare industry uses barcode technology and barcode scanners in every increasing areas and it would appear the this new technology could be useful for patient management and medication monitoring.
The cost of the technology is already falling and newer holographic based versions of the product are being tested. Credit card companies have already placed a huge interest in the technology with the hope of improving for credit cards and reducing fraud. The future of the traditional barcode may be at risk, but over the short term I would not expect to see this technology in our supermarkets in the very near future.