Apple Tablet Netbook

With rumors about an upcoming low-priced Netbook from Steve Jobs’ Apple Company, people may wonder what advantages or disadvantages the product would offer to consumers. First of all, every major computer company releases its own version of budget netbooks so it is a good step for Apple to release their own version of an Apple Tablet Netbook.
Take Mac Mini for example. With as little as 600 dollars, a brand new authentic Apple desktop can already be delivered home. 600 dollars is relatively small compared 1200 dollars for a regular desktop. If the price of an apple mini notebook follows discount ratio like that of the desktop, a new apple budget laptop should be purchased at 700-800 dollars because a Mac laptop would originally cost around 1400 dollars.
A large Apple Tablet is also in talks for release in the near future. An Apple tablet is basically a bigger version of iPod touch with the touch screen feature. In addition to this, rumors state that the newest version of OSX Snow Leopard is already infused with touch screen capabilities. The rumored price of an Apple tablet is 600 dollars. If that is true, the gadget is worth the price with its known Apple software features.
It is the hope of Apple lovers that the software applications installed for free in an Apple Mini Laptop are many. If we say inexpensive laptop though, one would expect fewer features such as basic film editing software with no added highlights. Of course, the basic inclusions such as Safari browser and Itunes store should always be present.
Consumers expect the best in a low priced netbook from the favorite computer company. It is rumored that the laptop will be portable to serve it purpose for traveling computer users.
One expected feature of this netbook is also its ability to pick up Wi-Fi signal and possibly even have a data plan over the 3g networks like the iPhone does. The 3g network offers incredible opportunities to working on the go and having the true freedom that a netbook notebook or tablet can offer.
We wonder though what exactly the selling point of the netbook is going to be. If Acer is known for its large storage capacity, Samsung is known for its large battery life, and Sony is known for its fashionable netbook chassis, what would the inexpensive portable Apple be proud of? Likely they will pull it off with the same sense of style and class that they have done for the past 10 years.
If a buyer is well-versed in the features and applications enclosed in a regular Mac Notebook, he shall have no difficulty in navigating the Apple netbook. For sure, this soon-to-be-released gadget will yet again expect increased demand from budget-conscious Apple computer lovers.